Friday, May 23, 2008

Loits-Vere Kutse Kohustab (2004)

Great 2004 album from Estonia's pagan nationalists, Loits. Powerful, ass-kicking riffs, moments of acoustic delicacy and melody, clean production (but not annoyingly), a rather war-like atmosphere... overall just some damn good black metal to bang your head to and enjoy-a great example of the "black n' roll" music popularized by other bands such as Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, and Nattefrost. Ledo Takas Records. 

1. Soomepoiss  3:59
2. Eesti Auks  3:33
3. Aeg Ärgata  3:29
4. Voitluslipp  4:34
5. Tuleristed  4:11
6. Vanade Leegionäride Laul  5:27
7. Eluruun  3:49
8. Nimeta Haud  4:22
9. Kodu  4:07
10. Furor Aesticus  3:16
11. Oskar Ruut  4:14
12. Raiugem Ruunideks  10:08

Total Running:  55:09


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy another Estonian metal band Metsatöll too.
Both are available in

Jaan Tatikas