Monday, May 26, 2008

Onskapt-Dödens Evangelium (2005)

Another spectacular orthodox black metal release from Sweden's Ondskapt. Once again, this release hits the listener with a barrage of ferocious, twisted, dark riffs, head-bangable bits here and there, and an atmosphere of a religious orthodox satanist ritual. This is, all in all, just a very kick ass black metal release that you won't regret listening to. Recommended, particularly for fans of Watain and Deathspell Omega. Next Horizon Records. 

1. Djävulens Ande  7:12
2. Feeding the Flames  5:37
3. Revelations of Another Time  6:29
4. Lord of All Unclean Spirits  5:04
5. Akilkarsa  4:29
6. I Kristi Skugga  6:01
7. Fienden Hungrar  3:34
8. Interlude  1:01
9. The Fires of Hell  2:07
10. Blessed by Demoniac Wrath  3:23
11. Beast of Death  3:10
12. Witch  5:23

Total Running:  53:30


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