Monday, May 19, 2008

Lucifugum-Na Kryuchya Da V Klochya (On Hooks to Pieces!) (2000)

Here, we have Lucifugum's second full length of masterfully made symphonic black metal. This album takes on some thrashier elements than the previous album, but overall, maintains the very atmospheric, epic, sweeping, chaotic, symphonic black metal they are known for. This band in general is a must for fans of Kataxu, Nokturnal Mortum, and even Emperor and Graveland. Recommended! Propaganda. 

1. Pridaviena Upavshem Sterzhnem Zhizni  6:34
2. Tsepju Svobody  7:17
3. Vse Materi Umirayut  6:56
4. Neosyazaemoe, Beskonechnoe, Nepostyazhymoe  5:43
5. Nadryvom Na Vydohe  6:33
6. Vam, Glupym I Zhyvuchim  4:02
7. Terpet Sebya-Sudba Tvoya  6:49
8. U Zhizni Net Ceny  6:20

Total Running:  50:36



Rose said...

U Zhizni Net Ceny best song of album =) great great

Rose said...
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Anonymous said...

I love how you describe metal music. So deep.

-Zane of ontario honey