Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Forest of Fog-Abgründe (2006)

Most recent release from Forest of Fog. This, like all FoF releases, is just a magnificent piece of melodic black metal music. I cannot recommend Forest of Fog enough for lovers of well-crafted melodic black metal. Schwarzmetall Musikproduktione. 

1. Der Letzte Triumph  6:29
2. Nebelnacht  4:30
3. Die Vision  4:37
4. Stumm  4:58
5. Boten des Unhells  5:18
6. Ein Neuer Tag  6:15
7. Der Turm  6:35
8. Am Abgrund  6:57

Total Running:  45:39



Anonymous said...

Forest Of Fog is on the top of my favourite melodic black metal!!! Absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!! And this album is his best, although its quite hard to choose, cause any time this guy grabs the guitar, he produces genious song.

Anonymous said...


